As a first step to any engagement, our leadership group will guide teams through a deep-dive discovery process to understand the business, the challenges, and the goals. This is critical to delivering real value to the organization and to the end customers to make sure the right problem is being solved.
We are often utilized as an innovation lab to test new ideas bringing Minimum Viable Products to life. We can work around existing roadblocks until we prove value and then integrate the products into the organization’s processes.
Our team offers a fresh perspective, but we also leverage the discovery process and market validation to then apply creative problem solving to execute against the final solution.
Project Based Consulting
Omnichannel CX Products
Resource Augmentation
Telecom Customer Experience
Digital First Omnichannel
Speed of Innovation
Our first initial meetings are about listening. Oftentimes it takes several rounds of discussion to discover what we’re trying to accomplish together.
The true goal can be hidden under layers of subtasks and organizational agendas. Our first task is to engage and learn about the business and opportunities for success.
After we’ve established the goal, we then deep dive into learning what obstacles are preventing the organization from achieving that goal.
Next, we invest our time in the weeds, interviewing and listening to customers to formulate the plan of action. We often find there are usually many variations of the question “Why are we doing it this way?”
We work to create a solution aligned with the company’s goals and objectives respective to the size of the business problem. Partnered with leadership we define a business case, projected return-on-investment, and creative solutions.
This is where our understanding of both business and technology helps. Once we know how a customer thinks and the technical possibilities, we are ready to execute on your own version of “speed of innovation”.